Monday, April 8, 2013


I can be sweet sometimes. Sweet like arsenic. Oh sweet sweet arsenic. Did you know that arsenic isn't actually all that sweet? ITS ACTUALLY A POISON! My darkness is like a poison. It infects and spreads to all those around me. O sweet sweet darkness. :)


I worry about everything. About what someone is thinking. About what Im thinking. About what my dog is thinking. I feel like everyone and everything is judging me. My bed judges me. My clothes judge me. Even my lamp  judges me. It makes me feel sad when I get judged, and I get judged all the time. Therefore I feel dark. All the time. SOOOOO DARK.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hello there.

Hellos make me feel dark inside. SO DARK AND SO SAD! I don't like it when people say hello. It makes me super duper sad. Just like everything else.


Homework will be the death of me. Homework makes me feel dark. Dark dark dark. Homework. So dark. It makes me feel so sad inside.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Darkness. I have dark handwriting. Because I am dark. My whole being is consumed by The Darkness.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


My hair. It is my everything. Without my hair I would be nothing. It is what keeps me some what sane. I sometimes talk to it while I brush it. I brush my hair 5000 times everyday. I love my hair. My hair is dark. Dark like me. My hair represents my darkness.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


My mind is never at peace. I'm always thinking about who or what is watching me. I can't take it anymore! When I try to find whomever is watching me they always seem to hide from me. It is making me very sad. *Insert frowny face here*